About ZoneCo

Founded in 2020 by city planner, lawyer, and former Chief Counsel of Land Use and Planning for the City of Cincinnati, Sean S. Suder, ZoneCo has become a preeminent zoning code writing firm in America.

ZoneCo was founded on the following zoning principles:

  • Zoning should regulate only what needs to be regulated to advance the vision and promote public health, safety, and welfare.

  • Zoning should respect both existing and desired development patterns.

  • Zoning should be the implementation of a plan, not a barrier to achieving desired outcomes.

Our Partnerships:

We partner and team with top national and regional design, planning, and law firms across the United States to provide the best work product and service to our clients.

For code hosting solutions, we are proud to partner with General Code.

We are proud to have led the Ohio Zoning Atlas - a part of the National Zoning Atlas project.

Political Integrity Policy:

ZoneCo, LLC believes in fair, accessible and transparent government for all. To that end, ZoneCo does not make contributions to any political party, campaign or candidate. While there is generally nothing unlawful or improper about making political contributions, this policy is our choice born out of a belief and recognition that good government should be free of the influence of money.

We’d rather influence our leaders through the power of big ideas.